
Sunday, 4 September 2016

Rebuilding the Dragon

For those who saw our battles in the new series of Robot Wars, you'll know that Chompalot was a little worse for wear when we had to bow out of the competition, but we're happy to say he's now  fixed, well as fixed as he's going to get, its time to start thinking of developing a tougher Chompie, we'll have more information on this in the near future, as well as some team news.

We've left some of this series battle scars for you to see for yourself, if you come along to see him Cats Protection Derby and District Branch annual charity gala on Sunday 11th September 2016 between 11am - 3pm.

We also have some wicked panel damage to show you, you can see what Ironside 3 did to our aluminium side panels, and witness for yourself what lipo fires can do to poly carb. We'll talk about our arena experience and answer your robot questions. We're pleased that we managed to get Shunt to sign the damage he inflicted to one of the wings during that EPIC battle. He claims he didn't know his own strength lol!

Come see us BUT most important of all, come help us raise funds for the Cats Protection, a charity very close to our hearts.There will be cats, kittens, CAKE and a robot, plus lots more beside. Please like and share to help spread the word :)

Oooo we almost forgot... We'll be donating the back panel from Chompalot as 'worn' in his 2 fights on Robot Wars, signed by us both, to Derby CP for them to auction. So you'll have a chance to own a piece of Robot Wars history.

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